Welcome to 

Lennoxville Elementary School 

School Mission

The mission of Lennoxville Elementary school is to provide a safe, respectful, healthy learning environment that inspires all children to discover and achieve their individual best.

L.E.S. Let Everyone Succeed

We believe:

in the importance of a sound academic foundation for our children; that our students should be functionally bilingual upon completion of their elementary studies;

in the importance of physical fitness and healthy lifestyle to enhance academic performance; in the importance of preparing students to become competent in the use and understanding of technology.

We also believe:

in the development of art and cultural values as important aspects of school life; that all children should experience success while working toward their potential;

that partnership between parents and teachers is essential for children’s progress; that reporting the progress of children is an ongoing process involving both parents and staff;

In the fostering of peaceful interpersonal skills between the members of the school community; that children must assume responsibility for their learning and behavior;

In the importance of providing a safe and healthy school environment; in the fostering an inclusive environment that embraces diversity.